선박법상 선박공시제도의 일원화에 대한 연구
DC Field | Value | Language |
dc.contributor.advisor | 지상규 | - |
dc.contributor.author | 한석우 | - |
dc.date.accessioned | 2019-12-16T02:45:29Z | - |
dc.date.available | 2019-12-16T02:45:29Z | - |
dc.date.issued | 2017 | - |
dc.identifier.uri | http://repository.kmou.ac.kr/handle/2014.oak/11496 | - |
dc.identifier.uri | http://kmou.dcollection.net/jsp/common/DcLoOrgPer.jsp?sItemId=000002380212 | - |
dc.description.abstract | Regarding the purpose of the Ships Act of Korean, it is stipulated in article 1 that the first is relating to the nationality of ships, measurement and registration of tonnage of ships and the second is ship registration system, and the last is to maintain the maritime order, protect the interests of the state and contribute to the improvement of the national economy. However, the main purpose of the Ships Act of Korean is to require ship registration and registration as a necessary condition to issue a ship nationality certificate in order to establish the legal definition of ship and to establish the rights and obligations as a Korean ship. In this way, Korea's ship registration system consists of ship registration and registration. Ship registration is a private act in the civil law, and it has the effect of disclosing the private rights relation to the ship. Registration is an administrative act to the government. As a result of which, Korea's ship registration system is divided into legal registration and registration in government, and legal regulating it are scattered not only in maritime law but also in ship registration law, real estate registration law, and international ship registration law. Under the above circumstance, the ship registration system is divided into legal registration or registration in government according to the size or use of the ship, causing confusion to the interested parties about the ship. However, these different registration come from hindering speed trading of vessels and consuming additional costs, and resulting in unnecessary economic waste. There are some countries such as the United States, the United Kingdom, and the Netherlands, which are executing a single registration system for the administrative convenience of each country, and but some countries such as Japan and France, which have implemented dual systems like as Korea. This is because the ship disclosure system is a legal policy issue. This paper is composed of 5 chapters in total. Chapter 1 describes the background and purpose of the study, its content and method of research. In Chapter 2, We analyzed the purpose and history of the Ship Act of Korean, the definition of the ship in this article, and the definition of the ship in the other maritime regulations. We also examined the registration system of automobile, construction machinery and aircraft saw. In Chapter 3, Supreme Court Decision 2014 d 21410 Decision 2015 March 12, 2015, the relevance to ship registration system and implications were examined. In Chapter 4, the problem of ship disclosure system in the current ship law is found out by looking at the foreign ship disclosure system, and suggested ways to improve the ship disclosure system. Finally, Chapter 5 summarizes the previous review and describes the problem of the ship disclosure system in the current ship law and the necessity of improvement plan. Finally, we review the issues related to the dualization of ship registration system in the Ships Act, and analysis the registration system of automobiles, construction machinery and aircraft, and comment on the decision of the Supreme Court Dec 31. And finally to suggest ways to improve the registration system of Ship Act through the above foreign countries registration system. | - |
dc.description.tableofcontents | 제1장 서 론 1 제1절 연구의 배경 및 목적 1 제2절 연구의 내용 및 방법 2 제2장 선박법의 공시제도와 제 문제 3 제1절 선박법 제정 목적 및 연혁 3 I. 선박법 제정 목적 3 II. 선박법의 제정 연혁 4 제2절 선박법상 선박의 정의와 기타 상법 및 해사법규상의 선박의 정의 5 I. 선박법상 선박의 정의 및 유형 5 II. 상법 및 기타 해사법규상의 선박의 정의 7 제3절 선박법상의 공시제도 및 자동차·항공기·건설기계의 공시제도 13 I. 선박법상의 공시제도 13 II. 자동차·항공기·건설기계의 공시제도 21 제3장 대법원 2015. 3. 12. 선고 2014다21410판결의 분석 및 선박공시제도의 시사점 27 제1절 총설 27 제2절 사실관계 및 쟁점 27 I. 사실관계 27 II. 쟁점 28 제3절 판결요지 30 제4절 쟁점의 분석 31 I. 민법상 공시제도의 의의 31 II. 민법상 공시의 원칙 및 공신의 원칙 31 III. 양도담보 34 IV. 판례의 문제점 고찰 40 제5절 결론 42 제4장 선박법상 공시제도의 개선방안 43 제1절 선박법상의 공시제도의 문제점 43 I. 이원적 공시제도의 장·단점 43 II. 선박공시제도의 일원화에 대한 제의 44 제2절 외국의 선박공시제도 45 I. 외국의 선박공시제도 45 제3절 선박법상 선박공시제도의 개선방안 50 I. 선박법 시행령의 개선 50 II. 선박원부 등본 및 초본의 발급 51 III. 선박법상 이원화된 공시제도의 일원화 51 IV. 소결론 52 제5장 결론 54 참고문헌 55 | - |
dc.format.extent | iv, 57 p. | - |
dc.language | kor | - |
dc.publisher | 한국해양대학교 대학원 | - |
dc.rights | 한국해양대학교 논문은 저작권에 의해 보호받습니다. | - |
dc.title | 선박법상 선박공시제도의 일원화에 대한 연구 | - |
dc.type | Dissertation | - |
dc.date.awarded | 2017-08 | - |
dc.contributor.department | 대학원 해사법학과 | - |
dc.description.degree | Master | - |
dc.contributor.specialty | 해사법전공 | - |
dc.identifier.holdings | 000000001979▲000000007040▲000002380212▲ | - |
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