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해적의 국제 해상운송로 위협과 대응방안

DC Field Value Language 최근하 - 2017-02-22T07:25:00Z - 2017-02-22T07:25:00Z - 2012 - 56987-11-06 -
dc.identifier.uri ko_KR
dc.identifier.uri -
dc.description.abstract History of piracy is similar to origin of human history. When a primitive community did not have enough food to feed their community, the tribe leader picked out their best warriors to plunder others to feed their own in ancient period. At that time, if plundering involved with using a ship, it became an origin of the pirate. Though maritime countries that ruled on mediterranean sea in medieval time and the Hanseatic League that ruled on Baltic sea and North sea were used to commit a piracy or similar act to secure a monopoly in trade privilege. Piracy was disappeared around the world after Paris declaration of prohibition in piracy. In these days International trade order, trading ships and its crews were threatened by piracy all around the world again and the extent of damage was getting greater and brutally, even though more than 100 years passed after Paris declaration. Therefore this thesis which focused on pirate of somalia, included subject matters that looks into general idea of pirate, characteristic of piracy and threats by Somalia pirate, analyzing on piracy reports in past 6 years by yearly, regionally, armament and loss of lives and analyzing on cause, character and tendency of Somalia piracy. The thesis was introduced international tendency, international correspondence in legal action and against piracy activities in Somalia sea by international efforts to subjugate pirate as well. For against piracy activities, international legal action and restriction were First, strengthening cooperation in international society and prevention the damage in piracy. Second, Comprehensive exercise to prevent damage by the government and the industry. Third, institutionalize the relevant law and policy to prevent the damage in piracy. Forth, establishment of training facility to strengthen correspondence capacity for the crew, who always pass through piracy danger zone. Fifth, armed security crew on board. Sixth, developing a joint system based on internet to share the information of pirate for an exclusive use in korean language. Understanding long-term relation and based on strategy, many countries were showing positive activities on involvement in clean up operations and striving for the international cooperation by the awareness of Somalia pirate's ultranational threat, even though many countries were not on the direct influence of piracy Republic of Korea needed to develop protection strategy for marine transportation routes, the nation's lifeline, that in whole ultranational thereat by understanding as both side of challenge and opportunity for Somalia pirate problem and perceiving coming ultranational threat as an international society's correspondence case. Republic of Korea must grow nation's ability globally by taking dispatch of Chunghae Force in Somalia Sea area as an opportunity to develop cooperation with other dispatch countries as ally as well. -
dc.description.tableofcontents 제1장 서 론 1 제1절 연구목적 1 제2절 연구방법 3 제2장 해적행위 개념에 대한 일반적 고찰 4 제1절 해적행위의 개념 정의 4 1. 1958년 공해협약 및 1982년 유엔 해양법 협약 4 2. 해적행위와 유사개념(類似槪念) 비교 7 제2절 초국가적 위협으로의 해적 행위 9 1. 초국가적 위협의 개념 및 성격 9 2. 초국가적 위협세력으로서의 소말리아 해적 11 제3장 국제해적 활동현황 및 소말리아 해적 특징 14 제1절 국제해적 활동현황 14 1. 연도별 발생현황 14 2. 지역별 발생현황 15 3. 해적 공격시 무장 유형 16 4. 해적공격에 따른 선박 피해현황 16 5. 해적 공격시 선박상태 17 6. 인명 피해현황 17 7. 선박 피랍현황 18 제2절 소말리아 해적발생과 특징 19 1. 소말리아 정세 19 2. 아덴만-소말리아 해적발생 배경 23 3. 해적의 조직 26 4. 해적 공격 양상 28 5. 해적공격 전술 31 6. 소말리아 해적활동 특징 35 제4장 해적활동이 국제 해상운송로에 미치는 영향 39 제1절 한국의 해운산업과 해적 피해현황 39 1. 한국의 해운산업 39 2. 한국선박의 해적 피해현황 41 제2절 소말리아 해적이 세계경제에 미치는 영향 43 제5장 해적활동에 대한 대응방안 45 제1절 일반적인 국제적 대응방안 45 1. 국제해사기구 45 2. 아시아지역 국가들의 해적퇴치 국제협력을 위한 노력 46 3. 해적행위에 대한 국제법적 기존 대응의 한계 48 제2절 소말리아 해적에 대한 대응방안 50 1. 국가기구 및 협약 활동 동향 50 2. 소말리아 해적 대응 활동 58 3. 국제적 대응 62 4. 우리나라의 대응방안 65 제6장 결 론 69 <참고문헌> 72 -
dc.language kor -
dc.publisher 한국해양대학교 해사산업대학원 -
dc.title 해적의 국제 해상운송로 위협과 대응방안 -
dc.title.alternative A Study on Piracy Threats of International Sea Lane and Countermeasures -
dc.type Thesis - 2012-02 -
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