中國의 株式會社(고분유한공사)制度에 관한 硏究 = 韓國株式會社法과의 比較를 中心으로
DC Field | Value | Language |
---|---|---| | 姜明才 | - | | 2017-02-22T07:02:26Z | - | | 2017-02-22T07:02:26Z | - | | 2001 | - | | 56797-10-27 | - |
dc.identifier.uri | | ko_KR |
dc.identifier.uri | | - |
dc.description.abstract | This thesis is a comparative study on Corporation System in China and Corporation System in Korea. The author tries to find out the similarities and differences. also legal principal differences from the two systems. In the respect of Chinese Corporation System, the study bases on Chinese Corporation Law in cooperation with Corporation Law in China, which issued in December, 1993, and other related laws and regulations, such as the Corporation Standardizing Suggestions, the Joint-Venture Corporation Law of People's Republic of China, and the Corporation Registration Management Methods of People's Republic of China. Chapter 1 is the introduction. Chapter 2 is the stimulation and structure of China Corporation Law. Chapter 3 discusses the categories of Chinese corporations. The core of this thesis lies in Chapter 4, it is a complete discussion and analysis of Chinese cooperation system. It includes the foundation, the capital system, the stock and stockholders, the functional bodies, the bonds, the accounting methods, the change of stock prices, the merger and division, the change of organizations, the bankruptcy, the winding up, the liquidation, and the penalty regulations. Chapter 5 is the conclusion. According the conclusion, the author gives six suggestions as follows: (1) The Chinese Corporation Law needs consolidation. It is more comprehensive to add omitted laws, orders, and regulations which concerning corporation affair, The only statute is not enough. Also, principle and justified customs should be incorporated. (2) It is necessary to increase corporation categories. In China, as one of supplementary forms, stock cooperation companies exist widely except private companies and stock corporations, it should be accepted and embodied in statute. Besides, the application scope of one man company should be enlarged. (3) The foundation conditions of Corporation need to be loosen. While, in order to be against the abuse of the condition regulation, it is necessary to issue strict inspection system. (4) The voting regulations of board need to be ameliorated. It is suggested to stimulate the member number and the ratio of voting rights. (5) The rights of minor stockholders must be protected. It is not enough to only stimulate the rights of stockholders, the specific procedure of the guarantee of rights also needs to be stimulated. (6) The stimulation of organizations needs to be amended. In respect to Chinese Corporation Law, the rights of "General Manager" need to be identified. Furthermore, it is not enough to only stimulate the rights of inspection bureau, the specific procedure of the guarantee of rights also needs to be stimulated. | - |
dc.description.tableofcontents | Abstract = ⅳ 中·韓會社法律用語對照表 = ⅵ 제1장 序論 = 1 제1절 硏究의 目的 = 1 제2절 硏究의 範圍 및 方法 = 3 제2장 中國會社法의 制定과 그 構造 = 4 제1절 中國會社法의 制定 = 4 Ⅰ. 過去 中國의 會社制度 = 4 Ⅱ. 中華人民共和國 會社制度의 變遷過程 = 5 제2절 中國會社法의 構造 = 7 Ⅰ. 會社法의 內容 = 7 Ⅱ. 會社法의 特徵 = 9 제3장 會社의 種類 = 12 제1절 會社와 企業 = 12 Ⅰ. 會社와 公企業 = 12 Ⅱ. 會社와「합화기업」 = 13 제2절 會社法上의 分類 = 14 Ⅰ. 有限會社와「國有獨資公司」 = 15 Ⅱ. 株式會社 = 23 제3절 特殊形態의 會社 = 23 Ⅰ.「外商投資企業」 = 24 Ⅱ. 外國會社의 支社 = 24 Ⅲ. 商業銀?? = 25 Ⅳ.「고빈합작공사」 = 25 제4장 中國會社法上의 株式會社 = 27 제1절 株式會社의 設立 = 27 Ⅰ. 設立의 特徵 = 27 Ⅱ. 設立方式 = 30 Ⅲ. 設立 節次 = 30 Ⅴ. 國有企業에서 株式會社로 轉換 = 40 제2절 株式會社의 資本制度 = 45 Ⅰ. 資本의 意義 = 45 Ⅱ. 資本의 立法原則 = 45 Ⅲ. 最低資本金 = 48 Ⅳ. 資本의 增加와 減少 = 49 제3절 株式과 株主 = 50 Ⅰ. 株式 = 51 Ⅱ. 上場會社 = 57 Ⅲ. 株主 = 58 Ⅳ. 一人會社 = 62 제4절 株式會社의 機關 = 66 Ⅰ. 株主總會 = 66 Ⅱ. 業務擔當機關 = 69 Ⅲ. 監事會 = 75 제5절 株式會社의 社債 = 78 Ⅰ. 社債의 意義 = 78 Ⅱ. 社債의 特性 = 79 Ⅲ. 社債의 種類 = 80 Ⅳ. 社債發行의 條件 = 81 Ⅴ. 社債發行節次 = 82 제6절 株式會社의 計算 = 82 Ⅰ. 財務諸表 = 82 Ⅱ. 財務會計의 公開化 = 83 Ⅲ. 稅後利潤分配 = 84 제7절. 株式會社定款의 變更 = 86 Ⅰ. 定款變更의 意義 = 86 Ⅱ. 定款變更의 節次 및 效力의 發生 = 86 제8절 株式會社의 合?굅? 分割 및 組織變更 = 87 Ⅰ. 會社의 合倂 = 87 Ⅱ. 會社의 分割 = 90 Ⅲ. 會社의 組織變更 = 93 제9절. 株式會社의 破産, 解散과 淸算 = 94 Ⅰ. 破産 = 94 Ⅱ. 解散 = 95 Ⅲ. 淸算 = 98 제10절 罰則 = 100 Ⅰ. 罰則의 意義 = 100 Ⅱ. 罰則의 特徵 = 101 Ⅲ. 罰則의 形式 = 102 Ⅳ. 罰則의 基本內容 = 102 제5장 結論 = 104 參考文獻 = 108 | - |
dc.publisher | 한국해양대학교 대학원 | - |
dc.title | 中國의 株式會社(고분유한공사)制度에 관한 硏究 = 韓國株式會社法과의 比較를 中心으로 | - |
dc.title.alternative | (A) Study on Corporation System in Chinese Law | - |
dc.type | Thesis | - |
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